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Sensitiv i en mening

Så mycket i intervjuandet handlar om känslor, att vara öppen och sensitiv.

Tyvärr har vi ännu inga exempelmeningar för detta ordet.

I scoff’d at this, thinking Isobel e’er too sensitive concerning Woman’s Lot and e’er wary of Persecution as a Witch.
A Man who could write like that must be the most sensitive Soul that e’er liv’d! He must have Eyes that see ev’rything and a Heart that beats out the Suff’rings of the smallest Creature alive.
I found myself at once repuls’d and attracted by his Delicacy, his Death-like Pallor, his large sensitive Eyes and long quiv’ring Nose, the Physiognomy of Poet within the Carcass of a twisted Dwarf.
50 På flera nivåer tjänade Shelleys liv och arbete som en inspirationskälla för Engels, och fast som han var i Bremen en tråkig sommar 1840, smidde han rentav planer på att publicera sin egen översättning av Shelleys The Sensitive Plant.
Nay, she must now repeat the Endeavour, teazing my most sensitive Spot with her Tongue and taking me again twice more, then thrice, until I was so weak with Pleasure (and my Cunnicle was so sore) that I could do nought but whimper in her Arms at last.
Hon karaktäriseras som följer: »Hon ger ett något sensitivt, villrådigt, möjligen lite krisnära intryck.