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Noden i en mening

”Okej, jag har hittat den första noden”, sa han med låg röst.

Tyvärr har vi ännu inga exempelmeningar för detta ordet.

Injicerar man ett virus i en av noderna sprids det i ett rasande tempo.
His name Nod, cause he nods all the time«, sade chauffören och skrattade hest.
”JW åker iväg nu med en man i en taxibil med registreringsnummer NOD 489, kan du ordna så att Taxi Stockholm sparar filmen i taxins övervakningskamera?”.
Det var hjärtat av det lokala nätverket och den nod som knöt samman alla datorer och skrivare i byggnaden, samt den som skötte all kommunikation med omvärlden.
Dear Goddess, thought I, spare me this rambling Tale, which bores me so it makes my Ears itch! Were Lancelot and Horatio both daft? Had they no Judgement at all? I began to nod and close my Eyes, pretending to listen, but only listening here and there to Anne’s Tale when it suited my Convenience.
When the Accounts had been tallied and the Draper and his two Cow’ring Clerks had bow’d, cringed, and clickt their Heels together more Times than I could count, the Trio of ’em escorted us outside the Shop and offer’d to get us a Chair, a Hackney Coach, the very Moon itself if we would but nod our Heads in Assent.
I’ll not tolerate such Impertinence! I take the Risques and pay the Landlord here, I feed yer ungrateful Mouths and clothe ye like the Ladies ye are not! Why should I countenance such Mutiny? Damn yer whoring Eyes! Begone! Whereupon she dramatically opens the Front Door and stands, Arms folded, with a curt Nod of her hennaed Head, bidding me go.