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Boring i en mening

Olofsson och Boring var vid ca kl 14.
Time slips away and leaves you with nothing mister, but boring stories of glory days.
A long boring Tale? offer I, whereupon both Lancelot and Horatio look Daggers at me.
O ’tis said the ones with all the Wit and Spirit are not got in our lawful, boring Beds—but are By-Blows of the Devil.
Uppdraget slutfördes av två man från Cargo Logistics, Göran Olofsson och Roger Boring, med ett fordon anpassat för värdetransporter.
Olofsson och Boring körde därefter ca 50 meter till Cargo Logistics lagerlokal inne på flygplatsområdet där de levererade de 19 postsäckarna.
Dear God—I thought—what a boring Tale! ’Twas worse than hearing someone’s endless Dream; yet Lancelot and Horatio just sat there hanging on each Word as if they had ne’er been so well entertain’d.

But O ’twas boring in the Country, tho’ beauteous, and besides, what Scribbler doth not dream of Excuses to leave her Writing Bureau and mingle with the Beau Monde in Town? Writing is a lonely, melancholick Art; and the newly famous, in particular, are inclin’ed towards Foolish Fancies concerning the Pleasures to be had in Town—the Balls, Assemblies, Masquerades, and Musicales; the Coffee-Houses, Plays, and Operas, all the fashionable Strut of brittle London Life.

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